Our events are a great way for you to learn more about WMAA and to see first-hand the impact that your gift makes on our students. We hope to see you soon!

Generous sponsors provide funding to underwrite the cost of several events, so that the gifts given can go directly to benefit students. You will find more information about sponsorships in the event details.

Join Us for an Event!

  • Thu 03 Oct, 2024
    Broadening Horizons Breakfast
    West Michigan Aviation Academy Flight Training Center

    Our annual Broadening Horizons Breakfast is a wonderful opportunity for new people to become acquainted with our mission. Attendees hear exciting updates and personal stories from students, staff and leadership. Our volunteer table hosts help connect new people to our mission by inviting people they know to attend. We also welcome individuals who would like to learn more about our school.

  • Thu 15 May, 2025
    14th Annual Leaders of Tomorrow Gala
    Amway Hangar, Gerald R. Ford International Airport

    The Leaders of Tomorrow Gala celebrates WMAA students and their accomplishments, while raising funds for the programs that we believe are important to the student experience. This event is one of the primary fundraising opportunities for the Foundation.